Sunday, January 10, 2010


So, I'm awful with routines. This because outside of work I'm lazy and a procrastinator. This explains why its been about a week since I've done anything on the blog. This also explains why my house is a mess. I mean a mess. I need to clean up BAD. Its awful for it only to be one person, but I don't have company like that so who cares?????

I don't really have much of anything to discuss. I've been a very calm, happy person so far in 2010.

My high school class is starting to plan is 10-year reunion. I have an idea, but I doubt it gets implemented correctly without me being there. The person I told it to is stubborn and lazy, so its not going to get addressed properly at the next meeting. The emphasis won't be there.

Other than that, I'm cool. I have had only ONE person comment so far. I had one person on blackvoices shout out my blog. Other than that, no viewers. What's up???

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