Sunday, November 11, 2012

Four More Years!!!!!!

I attended Obama's first 2012 election rally in Columbus, Ohio earlier this year. It was awesome to see him and the First Lady in person. I didn't get close but just being there was amazing and powerful. Like then, the acceptance speech this past Tuesday, gave us the encouragement for equal rights and improvement for all citizens of this nation - much like Dr. King back in the 50s.....funny how history repeats itself.....or is it still the present situation 60+ years later???? Regardless, we successfully elected the first BLACK/AFRICAN-AMERICAN President of the U.S. - TWICE! TWICE! That's significant. The first time, I think was easy. USA citizens were fed up with the state of the nation - from economy to education to health care - Bush messed up and it was time for CHANGE. Obama, honestly, just happened to be the candidiate who won the ticket for CHANGE. CHANGE was not about race, it was about a new party running the country. It was time for a Democrat and the Democrats chose Obama. Now, all we had to critique him on was his limited years of experience in the Senate and his background. Given that his middel name is Hussein, that gave the media and critics bait, but they came up empty. He won. Election 2012 is FAR more significant than 2008. 2008 was HISTORIC and time for CHANGE. 2012 was CONFIRMATION that we BELIEVE in our DECISION the FIRST TIME and we want to see OBAMA move FORWARD with his PRGRESS to continue improving this nation. Election 2012 was harder to win. He had better competition with Romney. Plus, he had four years of Presidency to critique. That's tough. People were expecting him to move mountains in four years, and those people who don't realize all the details/facts/inheritance of the 2008 Presidency are out of touch. Still, though, he own. The gap was not as large as in 2008, but again, because he did lose some supports and he had better compeition. Doesn't matter, though. He won! Let's take a moment and soak this in.....we have elected the first BLACK PRESIDENT of the USA TWICE! When I see this, and any other "first," I think of those who died, fought, struggled, to make it possible for someone to be a "first" and winning TWICE is winning for all those people who didn't leive to see their faith in a belief come to fruition. Now, let's watch a video that speaks volumes. The President discusses his PURPOSE for being President and does so with great PASSION. Last comment: This is how you know he was meant to be where he is. Its not about him. He does things for others. He realizes his purpose. When you act on the PURPOSE that you have been ordained to execute, God can do miraculous things through you. We are him to serve Him and do His will. Let's never forget that. Now grab a will need it.

Career Ups and Downs & Working on Me

So, to continue on with the punctuality post earlier, I know that if I were the boss, I would not promote anyone who comes in late everyday, so I know that I need to improve that in order to be taken as a serioud competitive employee. Last year, I took a one-year assignment and proved that I know how to do my job anywhere, but I failed to take it to the next level in increasing collaborative efforts between the two offices I was working. Not that this was a job requirement, but it would'be been an initiative that went beyound what was expected. I tried to initiate some things on the tail end of the assignment and upon my return, I just haven't followed through. So, I failed at that. Those initiatives would've put me on the rader of a new boss that was moved to my home office while I was away. I say all that to say - they created a new position in my office that I intended to apply for but they gave it to someone who was already at that level as a transition. That's not the problem. THe problem is the qualities/characteristics of the person who was transitioned into the office are the same that I share - its just I have not shown them. So, knowing that I'm not punctual and that I'm a procrastinator in just about everythign I do, but when I want to do something, I expect the moon and stars immeidately, I will begin working on this. How? I don't know. Help is appreciated. Advice is appreciated. In the mean time, I am happy for anyone who is able to do the things I'm trying to do and maintain a family and go through a divorce (the person who got the transition position). I am not a hater. Though she has scorned me through our previous work interactions, I admire and respect her work ethic and way of dealiing with people, even though she is "bout as slick as an oil can." I recently turned 30 (need to write a post on that) and I promised God and myself that the worrying/stressing of my 20s would not follow me into my 30s. I didn't want to carry that weight into a new decade, which I see as an age of maturity and confidence. The 20s were a transition period from college/dependency to real world/independency. I'm happy the 20s are over - not trying to rush life - but the experiences that made me know: when to pick battles how to engage with people; how to be happy are over. Bringing all that into my 30s, plus so much more, I look forward to calmer days. I know the struggles and trying days will come, but I am better prepared. I also found some letters I wrote to God in 2009 and the things I wanted in life (personal and professional) were nothing compared to what He gave me. So, with that I learned to "let go and let God" because my steps have been ordered I've been divinely made to carry out a plan that has yet to be determined by me. I do beleive that if God puts it in your mind/heart, that means he has laid the path...but I believe, in my experiences, that God puts a hint of what He has planned in your mind/heart and then shows up and shows out! So, with all that said, I'm waiting on my blessing, but working on me in the mean time. Tuesday, I will start getting to work at 8:00 and I will make those follow-up calls and setting up those meetings. No matter how delayed they may be, they will be on time and better late than never! However, I know my worth and value. I believe in waiting on the Lord and being still. However, in this day and age, the world is moving and you have to move with it. Like Obama, I will serve 8 years. In 8 years, if he can set this nation on a path for greater prosperity for all, I can and will have certainly proven my talents, skills, and abilities to my workforce. If that is not rewarded with promotion in 8 years, I will be "taking my talents" else where. Therefore, my job now has a 1.5-year notice of my departure. Now, this certainly is not what I want to do. That seed was placed in my head. My hear tells me in due time will happen. You know who's in my heart? God. The Spirit is telling me to remain faithful, confident, and continue to work hard. My work, as always, is for Him and will be rewarded, as lon as I continue to work for Him and fulfill the PURPOSE of the His will in me. Amen!

Black Women Always Late - is it in our DNA?

Yes, not ALL black women are late all the time. Its a woman than in general, sometimes. Anywho, I've noticed about 3-4 black women at work with me come in around the time I do - 9-9:30. We're supposed to be there between 6:00 and 9:00. I don't know why it takes me so long to get to work. Okay, yea, I do. I don't get up when the alarm goes off. My clothes are not all put away and organized for easy access. I have a terrible routine, or lack thereof, in the evenings that could expedite my process of getting ready in the morning. For the umpteenth time, I'm about to derive a morning routine schedule for myself. Let's see how this you have a routine that works and gets you on time to work? Please share!

Just Dropped a Ton on a Couch! Ouch!

I just read my last post, which was at the beginning of the year (sad to say its the end of the year now...anywho). The last sentence was about people's attachment to labels and their piss-poor financial mentalities. Well, I'm very frugal. I spend only what I have to every month and eat out when I feel like it cause I don't have many bills. Other than my mortgage and the bills that come along with maintaining a house monthly - that's it for me. Yes, no car note. I drive a car that will last me until the wheels fall off. So, when I go out to buy something, needless to say, I have the money readily available but I always go for what I can get in the most frugal way possible. However - sometimes - I have these ideas in mind and when I find it, the price tag is not what I had in mind. This happened when I found the wrap-around sectional I wanted for my living room. First, I could buy as many pieces as I needed to get it to work for my measurements. Next, I had to decide on color and man, it was tough deciding between the traditional tan (which was my first choice) and a gray that looked good in the store as the "new brown," but looked like dark denim blue when I got up on it at home with the sample. Anywho, I decided on the tan because I LOVE tan and brown and can incorporate those colors plus endless numbers of others with the tan. Now the price! Chile, let's just say it cost more than the down payment on my first house. Oh, I blinked my eyes and my heart beat much faster as I handed her the funds to pay for my couch. Again, I reminded myself that this is what I wanted; I work hard for they money; and that I deserve this. What's interesting is that I never had to do all that talking to convience myself when I put down a five-figure check on my second home. I realized that I've been trained to make SMART INVESTMENTS that will APPRECIATE, not PURCHASES, period. With the execption of my smart phone recently ($300 by the time I walked out the store w/the protection plan) I usually spend $50 or less on any given item and 80% of the time its $25 or less. So, its hard for me to swallow the pill I paid for yesterday, but I'll get over it. The couch is coming in 30 days and now I just hope I can live with the color selection. At this time, I have to remind myself of how blessed I am. I am a rare flower in the field of weeds. Not many people - period, not just SBF - in middle-class America can do what I did. Let's just focus on me. Six years ago, I had a few thousand in my pocket as I graduated from college. God ordered my steps and placed me in a very secure career with increasingly good pay and benefits. He allowed me, with assistance from my parents, to buy a house fresh out of college. Five years later, I bought my second home - all on my own - and got twice the house for only $100 more a month due to the low (at the time, now they're even lower) interest rates. I'm so thankful to be in the position I'm in to do the things I do. This is not a bragging session on me. This is me realizing how far He has brought me FINANCIALLY. My prayer is for EVERYONE to have that blessing, also.